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主要翻译英语中文 knock⇒ vi (rap on door)SCSimplified Chinese 敲门 qiāo mén  Larry knocked on the door.  拉里敲了门。 knock [sth]⇒ vtr (hit)SCSimplified Chinese 击, 打  The swinging sign knocked Dan in the head.  乱晃的路标打到了丹的头。 knock [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (criticize)SCSimplified Chinese 批评 pī píng   SCSimplified Chinese 对…吹毛求疵 pī píng,duì … chuī máo qiú cī  Seth told Sean, "Don't knock quiz shows; you can learn a lot from them."  赛斯对西恩说:“不要去批评问答节目,你能从中学到很多东西的。” knock n (noise at door)SCSimplified Chinese 敲门声 qiāo mén shēng TCTraditional Chinese 敲門聲  Tina went to answer a knock on the door.  听到敲门声,蒂娜起身开门。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 knock n informal, figurative (criticism)SCSimplified Chinese 找错 zhǎo cuò   SCSimplified Chinese 批评 zhǎo cuò,pī píng  Ben's knock at the mayor's reputation was not well received.  本对市长名誉的指摘不受欢迎。 knock n (sound like a knock)SCSimplified Chinese 敲击声 qiāo jī shēng TCTraditional Chinese 敲級生  The knock of the hammer against the wall woke everyone up.  锤子敲墙的声音把所有人都吵醒了。 knock n (setback)SCSimplified Chinese 打击 dǎ jī TCTraditional Chinese 打擊   SCSimplified Chinese 重创 dǎ jī,zhòng chuāng  The loss of funding was a huge knock to the project's progress.  经费丢失严重影响了项目的进展。 knock⇒ vi (car engine) (指有故障的汽油发动机)SCSimplified Chinese 发出爆震声 fā chū bào zhèn shēng  Tom took his car to the mechanic because his engine was knocking.  汤姆把车送到了机修店,因为发动机不断发出爆震声。 knock vi (knees: shake with fear) (膝盖)SCSimplified Chinese 打哆嗦   SCSimplified Chinese 怕到发抖  The boy's knees were knocking as he waited for the principal to call him into her office.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语英语中文 knock [sb] around, also UK: knock [sb] about vtr phrasal sep informal (punch or treat roughly)SCSimplified Chinese 粗暴对待 cū bào duì dài TCTraditional Chinese 粗暴對待   SCSimplified Chinese 拳打脚踢 knock [sth] around, also UK: knock [sth] about vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (consider, debate: an idea)SCSimplified Chinese 探讨 tàn tǎo TCTraditional Chinese 探討   SCSimplified Chinese 探究 tàn tǎo,tàn jiū knock around, also UK: knock about vi phrasal informal (idle, hang around)SCSimplified Chinese 闲逛 xián guàng   SCSimplified Chinese 溜达 xián guàng,liū dá knock around with [sb], knock about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (spend time with)SCSimplified Chinese 与...共度时光 knock [sb] back vtr phrasal sep informal (impede progress of) (进展)SCSimplified Chinese 阻碍,妨碍 zǔ ài,fáng ài TCTraditional Chinese 阻礙,妨礙  The unexpected obstacle knocked her back and she was not able to finish on time.  意想不到的困难阻碍了她,使她无法按时完成。 knock [sth] back, knock back [sth] vtr phrasal sep slang (drink greedily)SCSimplified Chinese 狂饮, 痛饮, 很快喝掉 knock [sb] back [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (cost)SCSimplified Chinese 使某人付出某物   SCSimplified Chinese 让...破费  That new car must have knocked you back a fair amount! knock [sth] down, knock down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (demolish)SCSimplified Chinese 拆毁,摧毁,拆除 chā huǐ,cuī huǐ,chāi chú TCTraditional Chinese 摧毀,拆除  The old office building was knocked down to make place for a new shopping mall.  那栋老旧办公楼被拆除了,来给要新盖的商场腾地。 knock [sth] down, knock down [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (reduce the price of)SCSimplified Chinese 压低…的价格,降价 yā dī de jià gé,jiàng jià  No one was buying anything so they decided to knock down the prices.  没有人购买商品,所以他们决定降价。 knock [sb] down, knock down [sb] vtr phrasal sep (pedestrian: hit with a vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 驾车撞倒  The car knocked him down as he crossed the street.  他过马路的时候被一辆车撞倒了。 knock down [sth], knock [sth] down vtr phrasal sep (cause to fall to the ground)SCSimplified Chinese 撞倒,推倒 zhuàng dǎo ,tuī dǎo TCTraditional Chinese 推倒   SCSimplified Chinese 拆毁 chā huǐ  The objective of bowling is to knock down as many pins as possible.  打保龄球的目标就是要尽可能多地撞倒保龄球瓶。 knock [sth] in, knock in [sth] vtr phrasal sep (demolish, break down)SCSimplified Chinese 拆毁 chā huǐ  Before adding the extra room to the house, they had to knock in the kitchen wall.  为房子增加额外空间前,他们需要先拆掉厨房的墙。 knock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep slang (finish rapidly)SCSimplified Chinese 完成, 结束  I knocked off a politics essay while I was waiting for her to get ready.  我在等她准备好的同时,完成了一篇政治论文。 knock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (brand: copy)SCSimplified Chinese 仿 TCTraditional Chinese 仿   SCSimplified Chinese 仿造 fǎng zào  They're knocking off designer brands and selling the goods in the local market.  他们正在仿造设计师品牌,并在当地市场销售相关商品。 knock off vi phrasal slang (finish day's work) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 下班,收工 xià bān,shōu gōng TCTraditional Chinese 下班  When it rains, the boss lets us knock off work early.  开始下雨后,老板让我们早点下班。 knock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep slang, figurative (price: reduce) (价格)SCSimplified Chinese 降低,降 jiàng dī,jiàng TCTraditional Chinese 降低,降  There's a button missing from this dress. Could you knock a couple of pounds off the price?  这件衣服少了一颗扣子。能便宜几英镑吗? knock [sb] out vtr phrasal sep informal (strike unconscious)SCSimplified Chinese 撞昏   SCSimplified Chinese 击昏  The goalkeeper collided with the striker and knocked him out.  守门员与前锋相撞,把他撞昏了。 knock [sb] out vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (send to sleep)SCSimplified Chinese 使入睡   SCSimplified Chinese 使丧失意识  The chloroform knocked her out.  氯仿使她入睡。 knock [sb] out vtr phrasal sep (KO: defeat in boxing match) (拳击)SCSimplified Chinese 击倒,打败 jī dǎo ,dǎ bài TCTraditional Chinese 打敗  The boxer knocked out his opponent in the third round.  拳击手在第三轮时击倒了对手。 knock [sb] out vtr phrasal sep (competitor: eliminate)SCSimplified Chinese 将…淘汰出局  In the semi-final of the competition, Manchester United knocked Liverpool out.  半决赛时,曼联将利物浦淘汰出局。 knock [sb] out vtr phrasal sep slang, figurative (impress)SCSimplified Chinese 给…留下深刻印象  Sophie knocked everybody out with her great singing voice.  索菲用自己动人的歌喉给所有人留下了深刻印象。 knock [sth] out vtr phrasal sep slang (do hurriedly)SCSimplified Chinese 匆匆做完,草草做完  Ben quickly knocked the essay out.  本草草写完了论文。 knock [sb] over, knock over [sb] vtr phrasal sep (pedestrian: hit with a vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese (驾车)撞翻 jià chē zhuàng fān   SCSimplified Chinese 撞倒 jià chē zhuàng fān,zhuàng dǎo  The bus was delayed because a cyclist was knocked over by a car.  公交车之所以迟到,是因为有一名自行车骑手被一辆轿车撞翻在地。 knock [sth] over, knock over [sth] vtr phrasal sep (from upright position)SCSimplified Chinese 撞倒 zhuàng dǎo  I got mad at the little girl for knocking over my statue.  那个小女孩儿把我的雕塑撞倒了,我很生气。 knock [sth] over, knock over [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (rob)SCSimplified Chinese 抢劫 qiǎng jié TCTraditional Chinese 搶劫   SCSimplified Chinese 抢夺 qiǎng jié,qiǎng duó knock [sb] up vtr phrasal sep often passive, slang (make pregnant) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 使怀孕,使受孕 shǐ huái yùn,shǐ shòu yùn TCTraditional Chinese 使懷孕  Her boyfriend knocked her up when she was 16, which put an end to her dreams of being an actress. knock [sth] up vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (make or put together hurriedly)SCSimplified Chinese 草草制作 TCTraditional Chinese 草草製作   SCSimplified Chinese 匆忙制作 knock [sb] up vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (call on) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 敲门叫醒  Knock me up next time you're passing and we'll have a coffee together. Knock me up when you've finished work. knock up vi phrasal informal, UK (tennis: practise before game) (网球)SCSimplified Chinese 赛前练习,赛前试打   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 hard knocks npl figurative, informal (real-life experience)SCSimplified Chinese 现实生活中的种种痛苦经验  Dan brings to the job a life-long experience of hard knocks. hard knocks npl figurative, informal (difficult experiences)SCSimplified Chinese 挫折 cuò zhé TCTraditional Chinese 挫折   SCSimplified Chinese 困难 cuò zhé ,kùn nán TCTraditional Chinese 困難  The advertising industry has taken some hard knocks in the recent economic downturn. knock-back, knockback n informal (setback)SCSimplified Chinese 挫折 cuò zhé TCTraditional Chinese 挫折   SCSimplified Chinese 挫败 cuò zhé ,cuò bài knock into [sb/sth] vi + prep (hit)SCSimplified Chinese 撞到 zhuàng dào   SCSimplified Chinese 撞上 zhuàng dào,zhuàng shàng  Rachel tripped and knocked into a coworker.  瑞秋绊了一下,撞到了一位同事。 Knock it off! interj slang (stop it)SCSimplified Chinese 别闹了 TCTraditional Chinese 別鬧了   SCSimplified Chinese 停下来 tíng xià lái TCTraditional Chinese 停下來  Knock it off! Go and play somewhere else--I'm trying to do some work! knock it off v expr slang (stop: doing, saying)SCSimplified Chinese 停下来 tíng xià lái TCTraditional Chinese 停下來   SCSimplified Chinese 别干(某事)了  Gary was whistling tunelessly until Dave told him to knock it off. knock knees npl (condition: knees tilting inwards)SCSimplified Chinese 膝外翻   SCSimplified Chinese 膝盖内扣 knock [sb/sth] off [sb/sth] vtr + adv (push [sb/sth] off [sb/sth] forcefully)SCSimplified Chinese 把...从...上敲落, 把...从...上打落  At the funfair, Jerry won a prize for knocking a coconut off its post.  在游乐场,杰瑞将椰子从杆子上打落,因此获得了奖品。 knock [sb] off their pedestal, knock [sb] off his pedestal, knock [sb] off her pedestal v expr figurative (humble [sb] who is self-important)SCSimplified Chinese 使某人失去名气   SCSimplified Chinese 让...掉下神坛  Losing a game so early in the tournament knocked him off his pedestal. knock on vi + adv UK, informal (grow old)SCSimplified Chinese 变老 biàn lǎo knock [sth] on vtr + adv (rugby: use arm illegally) (英式橄榄球)SCSimplified Chinese 违例用手向前击… knock-on n (rugby: illegal use arm) (英式橄榄球)SCSimplified Chinese 违例用手向前击球 knock [sth] on the head n UK, informal, figurative (stop, end)SCSimplified Chinese 让...停止   SCSimplified Chinese 使...结束 TCTraditional Chinese 使…結束 knock on wood (US), touch wood (UK) expr (said in order to avoid bad luck)SCSimplified Chinese 老天保佑   SCSimplified Chinese 祈求好运  Everything's going well so far—touch wood! knock [sth/sb] out of the way v expr informal (shove aside)SCSimplified Chinese 把…挤到一边 bǎ jǐ dào yì biān  He ran down the school hallway knocking people out of his way. knock the rough edges off [sth/sb] v expr informal, figurative (refine)SCSimplified Chinese 改掉…的坏毛病 gǎi diào … de huài máo bìng  The band have knocked the rough edges off their playing and now sound more professional. knock [sth] together vtr + adv slang (assemble crudely)SCSimplified Chinese 拼凑而成 pīn còu ér chéng TCTraditional Chinese 拼湊而成   SCSimplified Chinese 匆忙做成 pīn còu ér chéng,cōng máng zuò chéng  Helga knocked dinner together from whatever she could find in the fridge. knock-up n informal, UK (tennis: pre-game practice) (网球)SCSimplified Chinese 赛前练习,赛前试打 备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounknock [sb]'s socks off, knock the socks off [sb] v expr figurative, informal (amaze, impress)SCSimplified Chinese 使...震惊   SCSimplified Chinese 惊叹不已 Knock yourself out! interj slang, figurative (go ahead, do it)SCSimplified Chinese 使疲惫不堪 shǐ pí bèi bù kān  "Could I try riding your bike?" "Sure, knock yourself out!" knock-kneed adj (person: legs tilting in at the knee)SCSimplified Chinese 八字腿的   SCSimplified Chinese 膝外翻的 knock-on effect n UK (indirect consequence)SCSimplified Chinese 连带效应 TCTraditional Chinese 連帶效應   SCSimplified Chinese 连带影响  Inflation can be a knock-on effect of increased government spending. knockdown price, knock-down price n UK, informal (low cost, discounted price)SCSimplified Chinese 最低价 zuì dī jià TCTraditional Chinese 最低價   SCSimplified Chinese 折扣价  This holiday season, our store will offer the best knockdown prices of the year. knockoff (US), knock-off (UK) adj slang (counterfeit)SCSimplified Chinese 仿制的 fǎng zhì de   SCSimplified Chinese 冒牌的 fǎng zhì de ,mào pái de knockoff (US), knock-off (UK) n slang (bootleg copy)SCSimplified Chinese 仿制品 fǎng zhì pǐn   SCSimplified Chinese 山寨品  It's not a real designer purse; it's only a cheap knockoff. throw [sb] for a loop, knock [sb] for a loop v expr (upset, shock)SCSimplified Chinese 非常震惊   SCSimplified Chinese 大吃一惊 dà chī yì jīng TCTraditional Chinese 大吃一驚  The news of her brother’s death really threw Evie for a loop. Discovering his wife had been cheating on him with his best friend knocked Stuart for a loop.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: knock [nɔk] I vt 1 (=strike) 碰撞 pèngzhuàng 2 (inf: criticize) 批评(評) pīpíng II vi 1 (on door, window) 敲 qiāo 2 [engine] 发(發)出爆震声(聲) fāchū bàozhènshēng [pipes] 嘭嘭作响(響) pēngpēng zuòxiǎng III n [c] 1 (=blow, bump) 碰撞 pèngzhuàng [下 xià] 2 (on door) 敲门(門)声(聲) qiāoménshēng [声 shēng] to knock a nail into sth 在某处(處)钉(釘)钉(釘)子 zài mǒuchù dìng dīngzi to knock a hole in sth 在某处(處)打个(個)洞 zài mǒuchù dǎ gè dòng he knocked the drink out of my hand他碰掉了我手里(裡)的饮(飲)料 tā pèngdiàole wǒ shǒuli de yǐnliào to knock sb to the ground/floor [blow, blast, person] 把某人击(擊)倒在地 bǎ mǒurén jīdǎo zài dì to knock sb unconscious [blow, blast] 把某人打昏 bǎ mǒurén dǎhūn [person] 打昏某人 dǎhūn mǒurén to knock some sense into sb让(讓)某人明事理 ràng mǒurén míng shìlǐ knock it off! (inf)别(別)胡闹(鬧)了! Bié hú’nào le! he knocked on or at the door他敲了门(門) tā qiāole mén knock about (inf)I vt [+ person] 不断(斷)打 bùduàn dǎ II vi ▶ knock about with sb 和某人厮(廝)混 hé mǒurén sīhùn knock around vt , vi = knock about knock back (inf) vt [+ drink] 一饮(飲)而尽(盡) yī yǐn ér jìn knock down vt 1 (=run over) 撞倒 zhuàngdǎo 2 (=demolish) 拆除 chāichú 3 (esp US) [+ price] 减(減) jiǎn knock offI vi (inf: finish work) 下班 xiàbān II vt 1 [+ percentage, amount] 减(減)价(價) jiǎnjià 2 (Brit) (inf: steal) 偷 tōu knock out vt 1 (=make unconscious) [blow, person] 打昏 dǎhūn [drug] 使丧(喪)失知觉(覺) shǐ sàngshī zhījué (=cause to sleep) [sedative] 使入睡 shǐ rùshuì 2 (Boxing) 击(擊)昏 jīhūn 3 (=eliminate) (in game, competition) 淘汰 táotài knock over vt 撞倒 zhuàngdǎo 在这些条目还发现'knock': 在英文解释里: answer - bang - blow down - bonk - bowl over - break down - buffet - bump - chatter - clink together - crash - doorknocker - down - floor - grass - hit - kayo - kick over - KO - lay flat - lay out - level - mow down - plaster - prang - rap - run over - strike down - take down - tap - upset - upturn 中文: 击 - 推倒 - 撞击 - 敲 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Words with a silent "k", Hand and finger actions, 更多……同义词: hit, tap, rap, bang, pound, 更多……习惯性搭配: [two, loud, sharp, repeated, light, thunderous, furious] knocks (on the door), there was a (sudden) knock [on, at] the door, the knock [stirred, startled, woke] him, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'knock' 的论坛讨论:

Knock, knock. What semantic notions underlie 攴 (to tap, to knock lightly) and/or 古 (ancient) with 故 (cause, reason)? Why's 攴 (to tap, to knock) the semantic component of 敘 (order; converse; assess)? ... to knock XXX and (to) reduce YYY - English Only forum 'I was so involved in my book I didn't hear you knock' - English Only forum 5 minutes to (no article vs the) door knock - English Only forum a clever knock-down / dragged - English Only forum A knock is as good as a boost - English Only forum a knock of whiskey - English Only forum a knock on the door - English Only forum a knock on the door - English Only forum A knock-kneed heap of old railway tracks - English Only forum a knock-off all the same - English Only forum afford to knock it - to knock something - English Only forum Anyway, my socks are on. Let’s knock them off. - English Only forum as soon knock you in the head in them places as - English Only forum blow/hit/knock - English Only forum blow/knock - English Only forum boost, don´t knock - English Only forum bootleg vs knock-off [knockoff] - English Only forum Break a leg! Knock them dead! - English Only forum break down vs knock down - English Only forum British : Knock/Rap - English Only forum but they don't knock me out too much - English Only forum come to knock vs. come knocking vs. come and knock - English Only forum Did I hear a knock? vs. Did anyone knock? - English Only forum difference of knock and hit - English Only forum "Don't ever knock this camp to me" meaning - English Only forum Don’t knock it. That’s lyricism. - English Only forum Don’t knock your head - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'knock'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "knock" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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